The mission of the Gillespie Public Library is to provide educational, informational, cultural, and recreational resources and services to all ages of people. The library will provide access to the universe of information, and especially that information which is of immediate relevance and interest to the community it serves. The library seeks to accomplish its mission through prudent management and development of its resources, and by providing access to materials and services to meet the present and future needs of the community it serves. In this effort, the Gillespie Public Library cooperates with other libraries, and with other educational, and governmental institutions. Special emphasis is placed on current popular materials. The library serves as a learning center and educational center for all residents of the community.
The mission of the Gillespie Public Library is to provide educational, informational, cultural, and recreational resources and services to all ages of people. The library will provide access to the universe of information, and especially that information which is of immediate relevance and interest to the community it serves. The library seeks to accomplish its mission through prudent management and development of its resources, and by providing access to materials and services to meet the present and future needs of the community it serves. In this effort, the Gillespie Public Library cooperates with other libraries, and with other educational, and governmental institutions. Special emphasis is placed on current popular materials. The library serves as a learning center and educational center for all residents of the community.
Bylaws of Gillespie Public Library
These rules are supplementary to the provisions of the statutes of the State of Illinois as they relate to the procedures of Boards of Library Trustees.
Regular Meetings.
The regular meeting of the Board of Library Trustees of the Gillespie Public Library shall be on the second Wednesday of each month. The meeting shall be at the library at 6:30 pm. The meetings shall be open to the public and have advance notice. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the board shall, by ordinance, specify regular meeting dates and times. The secretary of the board shall then (1) provide for the local newspaper the schedule of regular meetings of the board for the ensuing fiscal year, and (2) post the schedule of meetings in the library. Both notices shall have the dates, times, and places of such meetings.
Special Meetings.
Special meetings shall be held at any time when called by the president or secretary or by any three trustees of the board.
Annual Meeting.
An annual meeting (optional) may be held in July for the purpose of hearing the annual reports of the library .The report should include a summary of the year’s work with detailed account of the receipts and expenditures, a budget for the following year, IPLAR and other information according to statute. A copy should be on file in the library.
A quorum at any meeting shall consist of 5 Board members.
Board of Library Trustees.
The Board of Library Trustees of the Gillespie Public Library is charged with the responsibility of the governance of the library. Board members will be appointed by the mayor for 3 yr terms. The Board will hire a skilled Library Director who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library. The Board will meet at least once per month. These meetings will be open to the public, and noticed in advance.
Board members are not to be compensated pursuant to statute, but will be reimbursed for necessary and related expenses as trustees. To be effective, Board members must attend most meetings, read materials presented for review, and try and attend an occasional Library System (or other library related) workshop, seminar, or meeting.
Officers and Elections.
The officers of the Board shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Those officers shall be elected by a vote for 1 year terms at the regular meeting in the month of April. In the event of a resignation from an office, an appointment or election to fill the unexpired term of that office will be conducted by a vote at the next regular meeting.
The president shall preside at all board meetings, appoint all standing and special committees, serve as ex-officio member of all committees, and perform all other such duties as may be assigned by the board.
Vice President.
The vice-president, in the absence of the president, shall assume all duties of the president.
The secretary shall keep minutes of all board meetings, record attendance, record a roll call on all votes (except when a ballot vote is taken). The secretary shall perform all other such clerical duties as may be assigned by the board.
The treasurer is authorized by the Board to sign checks, shall serve on the finance committee, and shall draw up checks. The treasurer shall keep all financial records of the Board. In the absence of the treasurer or when he or she is unable to serve, the president or vice-president may perform such duties. The treasurer shall be bonded in the amount to be approved by the board and according to statute requirement.
Standing and Special Committees.
The president may appoint standing and special committees at any time and to serve for selected purposes.
Order of Business.
The following Order of Business shall be followed at regular meetings:
Call to order
Roll call, recording both present and absent members
President’s report
Secretary’s report, approval of minutes as received or corrected
Correspondence, communications, and public comments
Financial report, approval of bills payable
Librarian’s report
Committee reports
Unfinished business
New business
Parliamentary Procedure.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws.
New Trustees.
The librarian shall meet with new trustees to examine the property and review services and shall present to new trustees a packet which includes the Library Policy and other procedural material, a list of trustees and committees, minutes and financial reports for the previous 12 months, and other pertinent information.
Duties of the Librarian.
The librarian shall administer the policies adopted by this Board. Among duties and responsibilities of the librarian shall be that of [making recommendations for] hiring personnel, directing, supervising and disciplining of all staff members, monthly and annual reports as required by the Board, and recommending such policy and procedure as will promote the efficiency and service of the library.
Amendments to these Bylaws, the Library Policy, or any other policy or procedural document may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Board and will become effective if and as adopted by a majority of those members present providing they represent a quorum.
Administrative Records.
Administrative records of the library shall be kept in the library and shall be available to the general public upon request. These records are under the rules of the Freedom of Information Act. These shall include the monthly and annual reports of the library, all financial reports, minutes of the public Board meetings, and recorded actions of the Board.
Staff personnel records are confidential and shall be kept in a secure place. All confidential records of the Board, shall be kept in the library. Board members or any person authorized by the Librarian shall have access to these records.
Circulation Records.
Circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users with specific materials hereby are recognized as confidential in nature, and access thereto is hereby restricted to library staff and may be pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of and pursuant to Federal or State law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discover procedures or legislative investigative power.
These rules are supplementary to the provisions of the statutes of the State of Illinois as they relate to the procedures of Boards of Library Trustees.
Regular Meetings.
The regular meeting of the Board of Library Trustees of the Gillespie Public Library shall be on the second Wednesday of each month. The meeting shall be at the library at 6:30 pm. The meetings shall be open to the public and have advance notice. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the board shall, by ordinance, specify regular meeting dates and times. The secretary of the board shall then (1) provide for the local newspaper the schedule of regular meetings of the board for the ensuing fiscal year, and (2) post the schedule of meetings in the library. Both notices shall have the dates, times, and places of such meetings.
Special Meetings.
Special meetings shall be held at any time when called by the president or secretary or by any three trustees of the board.
Annual Meeting.
An annual meeting (optional) may be held in July for the purpose of hearing the annual reports of the library .The report should include a summary of the year’s work with detailed account of the receipts and expenditures, a budget for the following year, IPLAR and other information according to statute. A copy should be on file in the library.
A quorum at any meeting shall consist of 5 Board members.
Board of Library Trustees.
The Board of Library Trustees of the Gillespie Public Library is charged with the responsibility of the governance of the library. Board members will be appointed by the mayor for 3 yr terms. The Board will hire a skilled Library Director who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library. The Board will meet at least once per month. These meetings will be open to the public, and noticed in advance.
Board members are not to be compensated pursuant to statute, but will be reimbursed for necessary and related expenses as trustees. To be effective, Board members must attend most meetings, read materials presented for review, and try and attend an occasional Library System (or other library related) workshop, seminar, or meeting.
Officers and Elections.
The officers of the Board shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Those officers shall be elected by a vote for 1 year terms at the regular meeting in the month of April. In the event of a resignation from an office, an appointment or election to fill the unexpired term of that office will be conducted by a vote at the next regular meeting.
The president shall preside at all board meetings, appoint all standing and special committees, serve as ex-officio member of all committees, and perform all other such duties as may be assigned by the board.
Vice President.
The vice-president, in the absence of the president, shall assume all duties of the president.
The secretary shall keep minutes of all board meetings, record attendance, record a roll call on all votes (except when a ballot vote is taken). The secretary shall perform all other such clerical duties as may be assigned by the board.
The treasurer is authorized by the Board to sign checks, shall serve on the finance committee, and shall draw up checks. The treasurer shall keep all financial records of the Board. In the absence of the treasurer or when he or she is unable to serve, the president or vice-president may perform such duties. The treasurer shall be bonded in the amount to be approved by the board and according to statute requirement.
Standing and Special Committees.
The president may appoint standing and special committees at any time and to serve for selected purposes.
Order of Business.
The following Order of Business shall be followed at regular meetings:
Call to order
Roll call, recording both present and absent members
President’s report
Secretary’s report, approval of minutes as received or corrected
Correspondence, communications, and public comments
Financial report, approval of bills payable
Librarian’s report
Committee reports
Unfinished business
New business
Parliamentary Procedure.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws.
New Trustees.
The librarian shall meet with new trustees to examine the property and review services and shall present to new trustees a packet which includes the Library Policy and other procedural material, a list of trustees and committees, minutes and financial reports for the previous 12 months, and other pertinent information.
Duties of the Librarian.
The librarian shall administer the policies adopted by this Board. Among duties and responsibilities of the librarian shall be that of [making recommendations for] hiring personnel, directing, supervising and disciplining of all staff members, monthly and annual reports as required by the Board, and recommending such policy and procedure as will promote the efficiency and service of the library.
Amendments to these Bylaws, the Library Policy, or any other policy or procedural document may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Board and will become effective if and as adopted by a majority of those members present providing they represent a quorum.
Administrative Records.
Administrative records of the library shall be kept in the library and shall be available to the general public upon request. These records are under the rules of the Freedom of Information Act. These shall include the monthly and annual reports of the library, all financial reports, minutes of the public Board meetings, and recorded actions of the Board.
Staff personnel records are confidential and shall be kept in a secure place. All confidential records of the Board, shall be kept in the library. Board members or any person authorized by the Librarian shall have access to these records.
Circulation Records.
Circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users with specific materials hereby are recognized as confidential in nature, and access thereto is hereby restricted to library staff and may be pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of and pursuant to Federal or State law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discover procedures or legislative investigative power.